
Josephine County Intergroup Newsletter

Welcome to the Grants Pass AA Intergroup Newsletter page. You can find the most recent Sobriety Spotlight newsletter here along with past newsletters archived.  We hope you enjoy them.

About the Sobriety Spotlight Newsletter:

Keep informed about all things going on in AA with a local focus. You’ll get the inside scoop on what’s happening at Central Office Intergroup to ensure AA members are supported today and into the future.  Find opportunities for service, growth, and fun with upcoming events.

We are always looking for your input – articles about your experience, strength & hope, AA history (local or more global), humor, step work, illustrations – anything that might benefit our community and help “give back what has been so freely given”.  COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Send an email to OR leave your contact info at the Central Office. 

To see the previous newsletters please scroll down Archives below.

Josephine County Intergroup

432 NW 6th Street, Room 202, Grants Pass, OR 97526

Phone:          (541) 474-0782 



Subscribe to the “Sobriety Spotlight” newsletter for future publications emailed directly to you. Sorry, we cannot email back issues at this time, but please enjoy reading them online here.

Please share your anniversary date MM/DD/YYYY i.e. 01/01/2001

Other Area Newsletters:

In Our Archives:

