“What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.” (Alcoholics Anonymous page 85)

Got cabin fever? The next ZOOM meeting doesn’t start for a while? What else can I do to maintain my sobriety and sanity while practicing “safe at home”?
- Call your sponsor
- Call a friend
- Call someone on a meeting phone list who you don’t typically call
- Read the Big Book. Ask a friend what their favorite selection is and start there. OR start with “Acceptance Was the Answer” starting on page 407 but particularly read page 417.
- The Grapevine is providing free online access during the “shutdown”. Click here for link to the FREE Grapevine. https://www.aagrapevine.org/we-are-here-to-help
- Go to our website www.grantspassaa.com. There are links to other websites across Oregon as well as GSO and Area 58. There are also some pamphlets to read (the famous “Newcomer Asks” and “Is AA for you – 12 Questions only you can answer”), our local newsletter and other newsletters, links to other online literature and MORE!
- Listen to a speaker tape (recording). There are plenty on YouTube. OR try https://amotaudio.com for free conference recordings
- Write an article for the “One Day at a Time” local newsletter (SERVICE while isolating!)
- Write an article for the “Grapevine” (more SERVICE!)
- Write at least 3 things you are grateful for every single day.