
Central Office Josephine County Intergroup

432 NW 6th St #202 Grants Pass, OR 97526

The Josephine County Intergroup serves all the groups of Josephine County.

Monthly Business meetings are on the third Thursday of every month at 432 NW 6th Street Room 215 (upstairs) 7 PM, and also available on Zoom from the link below.

All are welcome and are encouraged to attend.

Central Office

Central Office, by A.A. tradition, is a service organization. It’s often the first point of contact with A.A. for people who believe they may have a drinking problem.

The Alcoholics Anonymous World Services website informs us of Central Office functions and services. This document informs AA members of what Central Offices do, how they function, and why they are essential in spreading the AA message to communities.

OFFICE HOURS: Central Office is open Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Saturday by appointment. Please call ahead to verify someone will be there. 541.474.0782

WHO is Intergroup/Central Office?

A central office (or intergroup) is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in a community–just as A.A. groups themselves are partnerships of individuals.  A central office is established to carry out certain functions common to all the groups–functions that are best handled by a centralized office–and it is usually maintained, supervised, and supported by these groups in their general interest.  It exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

~AA Guidelines (MG 02)

Intergroup Service Positions

Central Office Volunteer

Volunteers at Central Office have the most important positions in our organization.  Duties for a 3-hour shift include:

  • Answer the phones and greet drop-ins
  • Assist with requests for 12-step calls
  • Provide information & schedules for AA meetings or events
  • Sell AA literature

Estimated time required:  3 hours/week or 12 hours/month
To volunteer for a shift please call: 541.474.0782

Steering Committee Chairperson – Fran M.

Responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the Josephine County Intergroup and coordinating the monthly Intergroup business meeting.  Josephine County Intergroup Steering Committee member

Vice-Chair Steering Committee – OPEN POSITION – Contact the Central office or join us at our monthly intergroup meeting as shown at the top of this page.)

Assists Steering Committee Chairperson in running the monthly business meeting.  Assumes Chairperson duties when that person is absent.  Josephine County Intergroup Steering Committee member

Next Position rotation – February 2026

Secretary – Jessica G.

Responsible for recording and archiving meeting minutes for monthly business meetings, steering committee, and special meetings.  Josephine County Intergroup Steering Committee member

Office Manager –  John F.

Oversees functioning of the Central Office.  Some duties include:

  • Maintain equipment and supplies needed for the office
  • Update and publish meeting lists for Josephine County
  • Update 12-Step call lists
  • Coordinate intergroup sponsored events
  • Josephine County Intergroup Steering Committee member

​Next Position rotation – February 2026

Treasurer – Alison S.

Responsible for financial operations of Josephine County Intergroup

  • Deposits monies received
  • Pays bills
  • Reconciles bank account
  • Prepares monthly financial statements
  • Josephine County Intergroup Steering Committee member

Member at Large(OPEN POSITION – Contact the Central office or join us at our monthly intergroup meeting as shown at the top of this page.)

Volunteer Coordinator – OPEN POSITION – Contact the Central office or join us at our monthly intergroup meeting as shown at the top of this page.) 

Oversees staffing of phone volunteer positions at the Central Office.  Maintains phone volunteer schedules and roster.

Next Position rotation – February 2026

Events Coordinator – OPEN POSITION – Contact the Central office or join us at our monthly intergroup meeting as shown at the top of this page.)

Coordinate Intergroup sponsored events.  Spring Fling, July 4th Picnic, Open House, and Holiday Marathon meetings.

Next Position rotation – February 2026

Literature Chairperson – Joey S.

Stocks, purchases, and tracks sales of all AA literature for the Central Office.

Newsletter Chair – Stephanie C

Acting editor for publishing of the monthly newsletter.  Recruits articles and input from the local community.  Works closely with volunteers to produce and distribute the One Day at a Time Newsletter for Josephine and Jackson County AA Intergroups.

Next Position rotation – February 2026

Webservant – Alvin C.

Maintains and updates the Josephine County Intergroup website.
