Marathon Meetings

Dear Hosts,

Thank you for volunteering to lead this portion of the Marathon Meetings.  Hopefully you’ll find everything you need here.

All the documents on this webpage are aids and suggestions.  You can run the meeting in whatever manner works for you and the group.  Each meeting is scheduled for approximately 45 minutes to allow for fellowship, set up, and transfer to the next meeting host. 

There is no requirement to “pass the basket”.  

Thank you again for your service work.  It truly is the best gift ever, for “the alcoholic who still suffers” and for yourself. 

To join the meeting to host simply use the link on the Grants Pass AA Events page. If there is a host already (with the word ‘Host’ next to their name) please ask them to make you a co-host before they leave (they click your name and select, ‘Make Co-Host’.) If there is no Host that is OK, please carry on. If you have any problems with unruly ‘passengers’ while there is no ‘Host’ or ‘Co-host’ present, please contact Christine or Catherine and one of us will come assist. If you are a Host or Co-Host when faced with problem behavior you can click that person’s name and either stop their video, audio, remove them to a breakout room, or kick them out of the meeting all together.

Christine (Event Coordinator) at 458-229-1709 (call or text)

Catherine (Web-Servant /Tech Help) at 541-295-5104 (call or text)
